inner sanctum 


cast aluminum , fabricated aluminum , black earth , frankincense oil , ultrasonic mist , submersible led lighting , composed 444hz audio track , speakers.

This prototype explores the metaphysical concept of the soul as a protected, sacred entity, shielded from the physical world by an impenetrable barrier. The triangular fence surrounding the basin serves as a symbolic structure that contains and safeguards the soul’s essence, suggesting both separation and protection. The soul, in its intangible and eternal form, exists beyond the reach of the material body, which remains bound to the limitations of the physical world.

The fog and light that spill from the basin further emphasize the ethereal quality of the soul present, yet unreachable. As viewers approach, their reflection will appear in a concave mirror - but it is fleeting, caught within the fog, reinforcing the notion that while the body seeks connection, it cannot transcend its own boundaries to enter this sacred space. This installation embodies the tension between the yearning for spiritual communion and the reality of our corporeal existence. The fence acts as both a boundary and a reminder that the soul’s sanctum is not for the body to penetrate.

“Inner sanctum” invites contemplation of the relationship between the self and the metaphysical realm - a space where the soul resides, protected and separate, forever beyond the grasp of the physical body.

Thank you to the professors, technicians, class assistants, monitors and fellow students of the OCADU foundry & metal fabrication studios for the guidance that allows me to expand my practice with new materials and methods of art fabrication.
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